Search results

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    Registration is alive again!

    Registration for this site is alive again! An administrator will manually approve each registration once or twice a week so as to remove the fake and spam bot accounts. Thanks for your patience. In the meantime, please join the online community over at...
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    Beware FAKE SCAM site Hunter Red Aquatics, also hunterredaquatics, and [email protected]

    These guys have a FB site that is a 100% FAKE SCAM: Hunter Red Aquatics, also hunterredaquatics, and [email protected] Dig around on their FB page. No address provided. No phone number provided. No external...
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    New - Facebook Group for Arowana Club Canada

    There seem to be multiple Asian arowana sites popping up on Facebook. Some are even using the name of this forum. To try and prevent confusion a new close Arowanaclub Canada site is being set up for members of this site:
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    Forum migration to Xenforo!

    The site is about to migrate from VBulletin to a new forum infrastructure called Xenforo. Xenforo is the same format used by and many other large on-line forums. The site may be down for a period of time as part of the migration process. Apologies for any inconvenience.
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    New list - December 2018

    List for the holidays ! Photos of nearly all species in stock can now be seen on GENUS SPECIES COMMON NAME FROM STOCK SIZE CA$ EACH GROUP CA$ CATFISH Ancistrus cutcutae bristlenose Meta 30 7cm $10.40 4@ $7.80...
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    New Sponsor from Ontario!

    Arowanaclub extends a warm welcome to Oscar Virgilio, the manager of Mississauga Aqarium's Online Tropical Fish ( Here is an introduction that Oscar has put together to tell you about himself: Born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Oscar Virgilio has...
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    Best wishes this holiday season and for 2020!

    Best wishes this holiday season and for 2020!
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    Become an environmentalist

    Now more than ever people around the world need to become more environmentally aware. We need to act on our environmental concerns. This especially means no more expansion of fossil fuels. Invest in solar, use public transit or ride a bike, buy an electric car. Do whatever you can to lessen your...
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    Welcome Concept Aquariums

    If you are looking for exotic fish in Calgary, Concept Aquariums is a place worth checking out. They are also now building large aquarium tanks and are able to arrange shipping Canada wide Their subforum on this site:
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    Fight Palm Oil Plantations

    Do whatever you can to oppose the growth in palm oil plantations. They are destroying the natural environment in many parts of SEAsia:
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    New registrations

    In an attempt to overcome the problems of spam bots that try to register on this site, from now on new registrations must send an email to [email protected]. Once email contact is established then a new account will be created for the person wanting to register.
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    France mandates green roofs

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    Help out DIY Joey

    A moderator on this forum has gone on to do great work promoting the aquarium hobby on Youtube (see: Joey is now doing a fundraiser to help build out his fish room. Arowanaclub is making a donation. If anyone feels like helping out personally, here is the...
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    Contest anyone?

    It sure seems there are a lot of lurkers on this forum these days, but not a lot of posters. Perhaps a contest is in order? In order to be eligible you will have to have posted within the previous 2 months. So, if its been a while since you last posted, or if you are new to the forum, why not...
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    Thoughts for Fort Mcmurray

    There are a number of arowana and big fish keepers on this forum who live in the Fort Mcmurray area: On behalf of the forum, hope for you all in this challenging time.
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    Welcome Vandiscus!

    We'd like to welcome Vandiscus as a sponsor of this forum! Be sure to check out their dedicated sub-forum here: Specializing in fine discus, Asian arowana and other exotic fish in the Toronto area, Vandiscus can be seen online at...
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    2016 changes to site coming soon

    Stay tuned for some changes to the site including: - resumption of rotating banner advertisements for sponsors - new sponsors - reformatted navigation structure for sub-forums - updating of sponsor section to reflect retirements, close-outs, and inactivity of some past sponsors
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    Want to import and sell fish?

    Anyone who wants to arrange imports and/or sell tropical fish on this site must first register as a sponsor of the site. Sponsorship is very reasonable. Either send a pm or email at [email protected] for details. One reason for sponsorship is to try and prevent fraud from occurring...