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  1. F

    Various Fish for Sale - Leaving the Hobby

    Please note that all prices are FIRM unless specified. I will not waste your time or mine and reply to lowballers. I am not interested in trades. I will not hold fish/items. Pick up in Brampton. 6 clown loaches (5 @ 4" + and 1 @ 3" +) very healthy and fat $160 FIRM...
  2. F

    Red tail Gold Arowana for Sale

    1 redtail gold/Golden Red arowana @ 12"+ asking $500 OBO excellent condition no drop eye, etc comes with certificate PT. DINAMIKA KAPUAS FARM sorry about the substandard celphone pics text me for quickest reply 416-723-0736
  3. F

    Koralia Evolution Circulation Pumps 1050 and 1400 [BNIB]

    For Sale Koralia Evolution Circulation Pump 1050 gph $50 brand new in the original box only 5 watts power consumption Brand New In the Original Box (Never Seen Water) Koralia Evolution Circulation Pump 1400 gph $70 brand new in the original box only 6 watts...
  4. F

    4.5" Datnoid

    For Sale -Datnoid -4.5" -stable most of the time asking $40 send me a P.M. if interested. Pick up only, I live in Brampton - GTA Thanks for looking
  5. F

    Nipped by Arowana - New Respect For these fish

    Hello all, I love Asian Arowanas but I now have a new respect for them as of yesterday when my RTG nipped me and drew a little blood. It was nothing serious I was just feeding him some Super Worms and he lunged at my index finger. I witnessed first hand how powerful these fish are. Mine is...
  6. F

    AV-80 Fishroom/Pond Pump [BNIB]

    For Sale BNIB $170 Firm AV-80 fishroom/pond pump power - 35 watts only heavy duty metal casing 3 prong plug w/ 10 ft cord air volume- 80L/min Max pressure - 6.57 psi Noise Level - 41 dBA (very quiet) Air Pump Size - 23.5cm x18cm x 18.1cm This pump...
  7. F

    LF- Marble Motoro Stingray in the GTA

    I am looking for a marble motoro stingray. One with a nice pattern and good colour. I find that many motoro stingrays at the LFS in Toronto are from Peru and I like the variant from Columbia. I would like something local and not interested in getting it shipped. Please let me know if you have...
  8. F

    WTB: Marbled Motoro Stingray

    I am located in the greater toronto area and looking for a marbled motoro stingray to purchase. Let me know what you have or what you've seen at the LFS.
  9. F

    LF: NGT and Motoro Ray

    I am looking for a NGT approx. 5" and a smaller motoro ray (good quality) not the Big Als variety. If you are a private seller let me know. If you have seen these fish at a local fish store also let me know. Thanks in advance