Search results

  1. MerLion Arowana

    Limited piece! Prestige XB Premium (sumo)

    Super nice shortbody with full golden head for sales at SGD $8000!
  2. MerLion Arowana

    Harvest result of MerLion Viper !

    Please to share with you guys the harvest result from MerLion Viper! It's a rare breed from DreamFish where Snake Skin pattern is covered by a thin frame of sparkling gold! For more info, you may visit these website
  3. MerLion Arowana

    Trade Nomenclature of the Asian Arowana

    Hi All, If you are interested to know more about the Trade Nomenclature of the Asian Arowana, you can read it in the link as follow: Hope you will enjoy it! Thank you!
  4. MerLion Arowana

    The Art of MerLion Arowana

    Dear All, Please allow me to share with you on the Art of Merlion Arowana as in the link below: Hope you will enjoyed it. Thank you!
  5. MerLion Arowana

    The Dreamfish Story

    Dear All, I have started to write a blog series on the Dreamfish Story. If you are interested to know more about us, you can tap on the link below. Thank you.
  6. MerLion Arowana

    Ranchu Experience

    Dear All, I am starting to writ a blog series on Ranchu. If you are interested, you can view at: Thank you!
  7. MerLion Arowana

    Merlion Arowana Photo Competition

    Dear All, The results of MerLion Arowana Photo Competition are out! To view, please click: Congratulations to all the WINNERS!!!
  8. MerLion Arowana

    The MerLion Arowana Club

    DF Red & Gold by pschia71, on Flickr We are pleased to announce the newly launched of our very own Merlion Arowana Club! We would like to invite all MerLion Arowana keepers to register with us. Registration is by invitation only. Please approach the...
  9. MerLion Arowana

    King of Gold Arowana - MerLion Harmony Ultimate

    King of Gold Arowana - MerLion Harmony Ultimate (2012) We are pleased to share - our very home bred Merlion Harmony Ultimate has triumphed over many other competitors and choosen to be on the cover page of FISH MAGAZINE; which publish articles on arowana on a yearly basic. This is the second...
  10. MerLion Arowana

    The MerLion Ultimate Blue Base Royal

    This is for Hobbyist who wants to keep the world class quality - The MerLion Ultimate Royal - Blue Base. Limited stock. Do enjoy the photos below. Thank you! MU BB1 by pschia71, on Flickr MU BB3 by pschia71, on Flickr MU BB6 by pschia71, on Flickr MU BB5 by...
  11. MerLion Arowana

    Video Shot of a MerLion Harmony Japan

    Just to share ...hope you will enjoy the video. Thank you
  12. MerLion Arowana

    The MerLion Royal Ultimate Oct 2012

    Please allow us to share with you some photos of our MerLion Royal Ultimate. Photos are contributed by our Thailand agent. Hope you will enjoy it. Thank you! 1. 31 by pschia71, on Flickr 2. 33 by pschia71, on Flickr 3. 41 by pschia71, on Flickr 4. 42 by pschia71, on...
  13. MerLion Arowana

    MerLion Viper

    We are pleased to share our pride and joy - MerLion Viper. Dreamfish is the first in Singapore to breed the snakeskin variety of Asian arowana and now, we are the first in the world to sucessfully produce another new breed that is Unique to Singapore - MerLion Viper. It is a cross between a...
  14. MerLion Arowana

    Prestige Arowana 02 Aug 2012

    We are proud to launch our new brand - Préstige Arowana….satisfy your desire! Prestige Arowana came about from the belief that the existing arowana industry has been corrupted with wrong knowledge and motives from breeders and traders who disregard both the breeding and business ethics...
  15. MerLion Arowana

    Announcement: War On Quality 2nd Aug 2012

    DSC_0016 by pschia71, on Flickr With immediate effect, our MerLion Brand will now only carry the Ultimate quality range of Asian Arowana produced by Dreamfish Inc. All other quality range will now be held under our new brand – PRESTIGE Arowana. This effort will truly allow MerLion...
  16. MerLion Arowana

    Photo of MerLion Red

    1. MerLion Red in Korea (from Korea agent): MerLion Chili Red 2 by pschia71, on Flickr MerLion Chili REd in Korea juv by pschia71, on Flickr MerLion Chili Red in Korea by pschia71, on Flickr MerLion Blood Red in Korea by pschia71, on Flickr 2. MerLion Red in China (From...
  17. MerLion Arowana

    Classfication of MerLion Red

    1. MerLion Red: They are produced from brooders of pure red bloodline but of normal quality. The red colourisations of its offspring vary greatly but still provide a decent red colour for viewing enjoyment. Quality...
  18. MerLion Arowana

    Offspring of MerLion Royal Ultimate Blue Base

    27th May 2012 1. This is one of our MerLion Royal Sire. Age: Approx. 12 years old. Breeding Frequency: once or twice in two years period. Limited production. BB Sire Singapore by pschia71, on Flickr 2. This is one of its offspring kept by a hobbyist in Korea. Age: 5 to 6 yrs old...
  19. MerLion Arowana

    A piece of MerLion Royal Ultimate Blue Base -Brooder

    This Brooder is a young fish and just started to breed. Its offspring will only be released for sales in 2-3 months time from now. Only a few pieces will be available. The rest of its offspring will be kept for future breeding purposes. 120323_121841 by pschia71, on Flickr Photo by...
  20. MerLion Arowana

    Some Video Shots of MerLion Arowana

    1. マーライオンãƒÂーモニー フルゴールデンヘッド - YouTube 2. 20110122_0208.MOD - YouTube