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  1. DragonfishExotics

    New CT's in the house

    Was a long trip! I'm glad to see everyone settled in well.
  2. DragonfishExotics

    Coming Soon!!!

    cool fish
  3. DragonfishExotics

    300 gallon setup

    We got a 600 gallon for sale if you want it. Comes with canopy and stand.
  4. DragonfishExotics

    300 gallon setup

    We got a 600 gallon for sale if you want it. Comes with canopy and stand.
  5. DragonfishExotics

    LF: Custom Sump - Would Like To Make/Order

    Im getting my aquarium shop set up as we speak, im too far to ship being in NY. It would be very costly. Honestly I perfer glass for the durability, I have a acrylic sump now and it is getting distorted in some spots and even checking in others. Honestly for sumps im a big fan of glass.
  6. DragonfishExotics

    BD New Arrivals!

    Looks great!
  7. DragonfishExotics

    RTC and stingray

    If you want to get rid of your Rtc im pretty sure I know someone who will take it. :D
  8. DragonfishExotics

    Japanese Import Koi

    My order of Japanese koi from Niigata have been through 90 days of quarantine and are ready for sale. My koi come from many breeders featuring: Dainichi "Sakura" Showa, Dainichi "Rikidozan" Kohaku. Dainichi being one of the most famous breeder of grand champions in Japan. I am able to ship...
  9. DragonfishExotics

    Opinions on Sand color

    Honestly I have white, and wish I had black.
  10. DragonfishExotics

    Widebar Datnoids - Order 2 - DOA!!!

    Its sounds pretty bad but I actually dont, I can take a few tonight.
  11. DragonfishExotics

    Widebar Datnoids - Order 2 - DOA!!!

    I have 9 of these dats in my tank at home, good batch of fish.
  12. DragonfishExotics

    New filter design

    Very nice, I have a fluidized bed in my sump too, using same media you have, but it runs through 3 filter socks before going into main chamber. I found the filter socks are a crucial part of keeping media clean.
  13. DragonfishExotics

    Tigrinus Catfish 3.75-4 inch - SOLD!!!

    wow you must have alot of tanks to hold all this stuff in
  14. DragonfishExotics

    Thailand 2011

    Great pics!
  15. DragonfishExotics

    Possible? Hole in the Head with Arowana's????

    I heard a old wives tail that carbon can cause it.
  16. DragonfishExotics

    Is it possible to determine what colour a Red Arowana will develop into?

    Biggest thing is trust in your breeder/supplier I think.
  17. DragonfishExotics

    My emperor snakehead

    How many fish do you have in your tank?