72G bowfront-how long can I use it?


New Member
I have a 72G with 2x4" oscars. I was gonna remove them and put in a 9in jardini that my friend is giving to me. How long will it be ok in the tank for? He said it took a year for it to go from 6" to 9". Do they really grow that slow?
anyways, my question is how big should the jardini be before I buy a new tank for it. I have no problem buying the tank just don't want a huge tank in the house yet and have only 1x9" fish in it. I have my eye on a 210G as soon as I need it. Thanks everyone for your input


New Member
everyone is gona have a different opinion on this one. and some may not agree with me,
i'd say the 72 is fine for one 9inch fish. but i would be thinking about getting a new one within the year. and with a 210 you will have room for other fish too, but jardini's can be aggressive so be careful in choosing who you put in with it.


72g bowfront... wide in the middle but narrow at the ends, not ideal dimensions for a arowana...

Personally i would not keep it in there longer than a few months. 1 year for it to grow 6"-9"??? Normally they grow at a MUCH faster rate. Usually within 1 year slow growers are a solid 12"+ long at least


New Member
I agree. I am not sure why it grows so slow and from what I am reading on this site it should be much bigger. But I have known my friend for over 10 years and I know when he bought the fish. I just never paid attention to it as I was not interested in fish yet. I have also seen the fish. It is beautiful with pink squiggly lines in it's face, nice pink spots on each scale and black fins with brighter pink spots throughout the fins. No drop eyes and swims straight. aro looks very healthy. Not sure why it grows so slow. but it is only 9 inches.

As they are quite aggressive I am not gonna get any tank mates for it. Would I be able to get away with a smaller tank if I am only keeping one aro? I really like the 210G they have at king eds but maybe it's too big for one fish only?

Also, what would be a fair price for this aro. We have not discussed price yet and I am not sure if he even intends for me to pay at all. He just said I can have it when I'm ready. But I do want to pay fair market price so both of us will be happy in the long run. thanks for reading everyone