a couple pics of my RTG





finally got around to updating my RTG its about 16 in now but very picky of an eater. I couldn't find the post of when it was a baby. But either way want to get more colour on it.
nice body shape on that rtg. looks exactly like mine when he was younger.

try adding a blue background. that will do the trick to bring out the colour. i think golds look best in blue back. once he grows older, his gold should deepend as well. is he around 1.5 to 2 years old right now?
Thanks mike, took a while for the aro to get to the shape I wanted with feeding and using different types of foods, just didn't want him to bulk up too early and look too stubby. he's around 2 years now.

actually that's one question I had as I am now resealing his new 220 so he can move too a larger house.
and Yea, its his temp home its a cardboard backing. just wanted to cover the back temporarily until I finishing working on all the tanks for my african cichlid business.
Nice blue base RTG! Even some shine on the 5th starting to develop.

Perhaps try foods rich in carotenoids and beta carotene: ie shrimp with skin.
Thanks for the tip tomuhs, he's a picky eat likes to chew his shrimps up and spit it. Tried pellets, pellet loaded superworms and even feeder platys. Thinking I might change the tank mates maybe its the dats who keep bothering him. I got 5 indos in there around 8-10 inches. That could be it.
Looks like a signature Maju rtg to me; they often have a blue base to their scale colouration. I agree with Mike that a darker tank should promote a darker tone to the gold colouration. Nice looking fish.
Actually the tag date is jan 2010. Whoa time flies, but he's such a picky eater its hard to put on size. Got him on a good run from 6 - 10 inches then it got super picky.

The aro is from pt. Dinamika kapuas. I got it locally from a store here. It was pretty neglected and was very skinny.