"Angel" Motoro Stingray - 1 week not eating yet

Thanks Mike for the Advice you gave - especially ramping up the temp a bit further.

Angel ate her first few slices of sole fillet last night.

She is settling in nicely now.
Do the severums pick on the ray at all? I had a few super reds that I had to get rid of cause they use to nip at the ray. Caused the ray to stress and not eat.

I am glad she is doing better tho!
Do the severums pick on the ray at all? I had a few super reds that I had to get rid of cause they use to nip at the ray. Caused the ray to stress and not eat.

I am glad she is doing better tho!

Thanks - The Severums steer well clear of the ray.

I had seen the ray try to pounce on the smaller of the Severums, but the Sev always manage to slip away.

I bought one of those Trendnet cameras to check them out whenever I need to - they seem to co-exist quite nicely.

The RTG Aro does try to nip the ray once in a while - : ).
Eating frozen is good. So what kind of ray is next!?

I think the ones I have now are Potamotrygon Motoros: Adult being a Marbled Motoro and the Pup a Spotted Ray.

BTW - Great news is the pup is eating well too - she somehow likes Hikari Massivore pellets more than the fillet or shrimps that I am dropping in.

If budget allows - : ) - Henlei or Leopoldi would be really nice to have.
I think the ones I have now are Potamotrygon Motoros: Adult being a Marbled Motoro and the Pup a Spotted Ray.

BTW - Great news is the pup is eating well too - she somehow likes Hikari Massivore pellets more than the fillet or shrimps that I am dropping in.

If budget allows - : ) - Henlei or Leopoldi would be really nice to have.

You those are marble and motoro. Feeding massivore and frozen together will ensure a balanced diet which is what you would want to achieve.

Henlei or Leopoldi are nice. Leopoldi would be my choice!
If the arowana is biting and doing that damage on the ray it won't be long until the stingray dies of stress.