Aro always stays at the bottom


New Member
Why does my aro always stays at the bottom on the tank, in front of the powerhead? i thought hes suppose to be a top water fish.
Why does my aro always stays at the bottom on the tank, in front of the powerhead? i thought hes suppose to be a top water fish.

your is still new so give it sometime to get use to the tank. Just keep the water in perfect condition and find some tank mate for it. How big is your tank? and how strong the power head? As long as it appetite is good then your aro just being lazy :).
your is still new so give it sometime to get use to the tank. Just keep the water in perfect condition and find some tank mate for it. How big is your tank? and how strong the power head? As long as it appetite is good then your aro just being lazy :).

He got tank mates already, and he has a good appetite.
my tank is 120g, a small tank for aro standard i guess. my powerhead is a Hydor Koralia 3. i think my water should be fine cuz i change water weekly and i have 2 eheim 2217. (double of recomended)
is it possible that he just stays there cuz it feels good, kind of like a whirlpool/ massage?
my aros been donig the same thing...staying near the bottom...n always swims into the powerhead...dunno why
mines an asian arowana...he sits at the bottom sometimes for hours without swimming...

cant be good....