Aro swimming with clamped fins


New Member
Ever since I got my new xb he has been swimming poorly. First he had trouble staying level. I thought I would lose him in the first week but he survived. Now he swims with his fins clamped all of the time. Lights on or off doesn't matter. Water quality shouldn't be an issue since I have 2 x 280 gallon tanks on 100 gallon/day automatic water change system and the whole house is on a Pelican water system. I even have a fluoride remover.
The fish eats fine. Eating arowana sticks soaked in Boyd's Vitachem and garlic. All of the other fish in these 2 tanks are fine including stingray and SR arowana. SR swims with fins out all of the time.
XB also has exaggerated pits below his eyes. I think most XB aros have this but this one seems a little abnormal. I tried to upload photos but keep getting upload failed notice.
Seems like this fish is a dud. Gorgeous color and shine but crappy swim posture.
I'll see what I can do to get the photo upload function working properly. Really need to see photos. Any chance you can email me a screen shot of the error message you get when you try to upload photos? I am working with a software coder to try and upgrade the site.

I would hope the fish outgrows the clamped fin issue you mention. Concerning the eyes, just need to see a photo of them to comment on.
I'm not as concerned about the pits under the eyes as my last XB had similar pits but not as bad. The swim posture is something I simply can't live with.

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