arow ate lg. mystery snail !!


The kid next door, whos 35g I've been involved with for some time decided he did'nt want his large mystery snail anymore and had to get rid of it immediately.
I thoughtlessly threw the thing into my arow tank and to my shock he turned around, swam the length of the tank (6') in under 1 sec. and ate it.
He chewed on it for quite a while with crushed shell spilling out. In these couple of seconds I half expected him to spit it out, did'nt happen.
I've been telling myself arows must eat snails in the wild but am still concerned. Should I get the epsom salt out?

PS. Sorry if this should have been posted in hospital section.
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Keep and eye on your arow but it should be fine.
I def wouldnt recomend adding anymore though LOL
probably fine, especially as it was crushing the shell.. if it was a kids pet, probably not contaminated with outdoor pesticides.
It's been 12 hrs more or less, he's cruising around nicely, king of the tank as usual, no visible signs of anything out of order.
I know the kid's tank personally, otherwise I would have passed. Geuss I'll be on high alert the next few days, and no more snails!
My arow has always been a good eater, anything and everthing, now including
escargot (spell?)
I have heard guys feeding them crayfish..... Those buggers have a hard shell..... Im sure it will be just fine, Bony toungs after all lol
I had a 6 inch jardini eat a 6 inch crayfish (right after it molted) - but i wouldn't have believed it except i saw it happen with my own eyes.. Crazy
Snail eater looking good.

Its been approx. 22 hrs. and he's doing fine, starting to beg for food now.
Thanks for all the positive imput guys.