AUL Australian lungs


Love these guys. SOOOO cool and as good as rays or better. I have 2 and they get along very well. These things are just Chilled! Always out, and never hide. Everything they do is very chilled walk on their fins and cruise around.


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yeah they are cool fish and much better if people can see it in person as it is nothing like other lungfish at all. Why do you have muscle shell in there? those break up look so sharp
I have a very very large MBU puffer that eats them As for the shells the lungs could care less.
Probably an inch and a lot thicker from landing. These things eat so slow though I don't imagine it stays that way. It will take them 5 minutes to eat one massive pellet.
LOL, that's slow. Then they probably wouldn't stand a chance in a ray tank unless you spot fed them.
Actually I think they would be good with rays. Seem to enjoy cleaning up the puffers mess rather than going after the main source
I agree that these fish are the coolest things. Lots of fun to watch. Mine eats a lot of Massivore, around 10-15 pellets a day over 3-4 separate feedings. Right now I have mine alone in a 90 gallon, plan on transferring it over to a 150 with my aro soon.

Glad you like them Tim.
Really cool fish. They have a very cute and unique face (ya I'm a grown man and said cute...troll away.)

Mind snapping up a video for us to enjoy with you??
Mine is pretty big, I'd say about 30 inches or so. I've had it about 20 months, and it came in around 8-10 inches, so I guess the growth rate has been about an inch a month. I have mine with a smaller motoro ray and an Asian arowana. I would like to sell the ray as it tends to eat way faster than the AUL. Given how big a motoro ray can get if it eats as much as it wants, well, I better get rid of that ray.

I am hoping my aro (a BBXB of about 10 inch size now) will leave the AUL alone if the AUL is always way bigger than it. That is my hope anyway. I highly recommend an AUL to anyone with a tank of 300 gallons or more. I have no plans to import more, but anyone can do it; it is not hard to do.
The one that I kept (sold the other) is a beast Grew like crazy but has thankfully slowed down. This guy actually had his front fins chewed off when a baby however it is kind of cool to watch it regenerate. It definately is, it just takes time. The front glass of this tank is 72"x36" for a size comparison

One of the coolest fish I have owned. Will eat from your hand and can be kept with anything without incident. Also quite active as you can see. This is most evening when we are watching TV. Perhaps the personalities of these vary quite a bit. I am half flirting with selling this guy and getting back into rays however posting these (crappy as always) pics makes me get my head straight.


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I might be interested if you guys want to do a group buy. I wanted to do one a while back, emailed them and everything but never got a chance to follow through
I've got some fin nipping issues with my BBXB on my AUL. If you wait till the end of the video below you will see some damage on the AUL's tail. It is too bad, since I really hoped I could keep these fish together long term. I asked my kids which fish should go and they insist I keep the AUL. Thus, the BBXB is off to a new home soon I think.

They your tank looks awesome! Your lucky you can keep plants with your AUl as mine will eat every bit of every plant including Java fern. Why is it so loud though?