Best way to level a stank for an 8 foot aquarium?


New Member
It looks like my tank will be here next week :) and ive cleared out the space she is going in the basement, Its going on burber carpet with concrete underneath and im sure its sloped towards the drain a tad.... Ill cut a piece of plywood for the top of the steel stand and get a 3/4 or 1 inch sheet of styrafoam between the plywood and the tank.
Now what would be the best way to shim the stand if needed to level it out before i get water in it?
96" long 300 galon with steel stand, I want to support it as best i can and be sure its level.
Not sure why you need insulation under your tank. If the plywood is flat there should be no need for it. I have never put it under any of my tanks. All have plywood bottoms.
I used plwood shims for mine. My floor is out to lunch. Now I have to find a way to trim the bottom. I should've done the trim after the stand was level.
Check with your tank builder about the styrofoam since it will cause some tanks to crack if they are put on top of it. For my 280 I welded a nut to each of my legs in the tubing and then put a bolt in the nut and a small square piece of 1/4" iron under the screw. All you have to do then is put the level on and turn whatever bolt you need to make it level, fastest way ever to do it.
RDfishguy, Than tank is just amazing The styrafoam i thought would take a small amout of leveling out with the weight.
skynoch, Im pretty sure its a flat bottom as they added plywood to it so i can flip it when i move it in.... As for nuts and bolts i was thinking that same thing, Problem is if you ever had to set the tank up on a sub floor all that weight would be devided to 6 small leg levelers
Can't wait to see it set up! Nice doll I saw in your other post. You rubber lovin' barbie thumper you. That thing is hilarious. Keep us updated. On the tank that is.
Notice i was thinking stand, but reffering to tank when i said stank in the title LOL..... the shims and 3/4 plywood blocks worked out just great, Thanks guys :)