Blood Red from CV Maju


New Member
Theo asked me to post some pictures of the new arrival.

This is a Blood Red Asian Arowana from CV Maju Farm.

He actually came in much larger than expected, from tip to tail it is around 18", a real monster.

The only time I've ever had trouble lifting a bag into the tank for acclimating a single fish. :)

Took these with the P&S, will take some with the dlsr in the next day or two once I get the glass cleaned up a bit.
Lighting is 10000k LEDs.
I will take some pics under 6700K t5's tomorrow.

Anyways, coloration of this guy is quite good, thin frame scales with nice red color and a dark purple base.




Taken with Flash.

For frame of reference, the flagtail is around 9-10".
Thanks for the comments everyone!

Playing around with my new lens. Not the ideal glass for this type of photography, but not too bad nonetheless.

Here's a couple of quick pics I snapped tonight:

(Nikon D7000, 24-120mm f4, no flash, 4200ISO)


Wow, fantastic looking red. I really like the body shape and finnage of Maju aro's. It seems that the prominent purple base is a common characteristic of their red's too. Very interested to see how this fish continues to develop. Keep us updated!
Nice to see it with more stabilized colours; I am also very interested to see how this fish develops, sure is a beauty.