Can you say "fin nipping"?


My usually peaceful bichirs were not so nice to each other last night... I suspect my 16" grumpy ornate did this, usually she plays nice.

Solid 1.5" missing... shouldn't take that long to heal, but its ugly


Lastly a yawning pic
It happened to me before not just once. Don't worry about it bichirs are tough. I even seen pics of bichirs that got bitten by a lungfish and it recovered well.
I find that once in a while my biggest endlicheri can get pretty nippy too. It is very evident from the ripped fins on the other bichirs.
If I can find that pics again in a japanese site where a p. polli's back got bitten by a lung fish. When it recoverd it got a wide "u" shape on his back. Only two finlets were left.