Channa Pulchra



I have a group of five Channa Pulchra, all wild caught from Myanmar. These are a great subtropical, dwarf snakehead species. A lot of personality and the attitude of big predators, but will only need a 50 gallon for the whole group. They are feeding on pellets, krill and blood worms. A few have been showing signs of breeding as well.

I can ship anywheres in Canada other than Ontario.

$200 bucks for the whole group. Paid $60 each.


Justin Morash
Anyone who wants them, I need them gone, 120 for the whole group, or will trade ( + money if need be) for bichirs, dats, stingrays, asian arowana, metrodontus.


Justin Morash
Too bad I would take them in a second. My boy over in the UK has them breeding as we speak he has 3 sets of fry meaning they spawned 3 times. These are a great fish and are newly discovered people this is a steal.

They are not really aggressive just have the the bad name becaus ethey are a SH