clown loach for tank mates


New Member
Hello Everyone,

has anyone kept clown loaches as tank mates? I was thinking of keeping some 2-2.5" clown loaches with my 5" rtg... do you think it will be ok?

I have a big clown loach in my tank, he is fine. Just make sure your loach is big enough for the aro not to eat, cause all clown loaches have spikes!
Those 2.5" clown loaches will soon become food for the aro. Your rtg will reach 12"+ in about a year and the clown loach will be only 3"+. Clown loach grow very slow.
i have about 8 clown loaches with my 24 " red and they re all ok. Give them some places to hide and keep the arro fed . my loaches are only 3-4 " big
from person exp n from seeing others tanks, aros even when a lot bigger tend not to bother clown loaches... just make sure u keep the loaches in a small group.. say atleast 3