Clown Loaches


Super Moderator
These guys are great. I picked up 4 just to clean up after a picky eater and they've cleaned everything. Snails from my plants, pellets, even super worms.

Fun fish to watch too. They have also stimulated some appetite in my Supreme because the loaches actually take hikari pellets from the top of the tank :D

half eaten super worm :)

If you want some large clown loaches, it should be possible to set up some kind of group buy for a shipment direct from Indonesia.
are you selling your clown ? where did you purchase them?

The best place to buy CLK is from that store next to aquapets. They have huge ones for a great price. This is not the right time of year to be looking for them so wait until the summer. Lucky's will also hook you up if you know them and take a large ammount.

You should always keep 6+ per tank they do well in large number. I have 52 in one tank and it is the coolest thing I have ever seen.