Coming Soon!!!

added to the list

Probarbus Jullieni!!!!
Polynemus Multifilis!!!! Paradise Threadfin!!!
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Man, keeps getting better and better.

Too bad got so much on the go what with buying a new house and leaving for Europe for a bit...but when I get back it's gonna be on like donkey kong.

Gonna hafta add golden dorado to my wishlist haha.
ok so i got the AWB and flight is confirmed for the 19th. tuesday night.

update on stock:
dorados have pre sold quite fast. 12 of 15 sold. only have 3 left.
severums and silver dollar i have a few available.
giraffe catfish 1 left
albino wells 1 left
pearl ray 1 left (male)
Update on whats remaining:

2 dorados
1 pearl
5 9cm super red severum
4 15cm super red severum
2 wells catfish
5 black bar thin bar silver dollar

Pearl Ray Picture