Couple Bichir Questions

When I get my big tank done I would like to house a few bichirs with my asian.

1.What kinda bichirs tend to get along with each other the best?

2. I haven't seen too many bichirs but I do love the color of ornates, do they do well in groups

3. What is the most desireable?(If you could list from best to lesser)

Keep in mind the tank I will be building will be between 310g-350g
lol, to the best of my knowledge,

1) They usually do well in groups... but they each have different personalities, some are less tolerant of other bichirs than others. I have only had one bichirs that was extremely aggressive, it attacked others for fun i swear. It would start from one side of the tank and plow through its tankmates biting here and there chill for a bit and then do it over again.

2) see answer one... ornates tend to be more reclusive and on the less active side, but then again you will always get individuals who are active.

3) desirablilty is all a matter of preference... The current holy grail bichirs are p. ansorgii, p. teugelsi and p bichir bichir.... all of which are showing up in the trade. Other than that its all what you like
The bigger the tank the more bichirs you have the less aggressive they become. This is base in my own experience. Also, ornate are the most aggressive bichir that I ever own.
boy is that bicher kenta mentioned ever agressive.. as its current owner, I was witness last night to it pushing a 2' aro out of its way
The bigger the tank the more bichirs you have the less aggressive they become. This is base in my own experience. Also, ornate are the most aggressive bichir that I ever own.

I agree with this 100%. Ornates are the most aggressive I have as well. They really dont like fish with a shine.
Out of all the species I've kept the ones that were the most peaceful were palmas polli and delhezi. I've kept about a total of 10 ornates before and can't say I've had any issues with them being aggressive unless they get very hungry.
You can make generalizations with bichir species and aggression, but their personalities vary quite a lot. Some species are known for certain traits (ie. senegal and palmas polli for being active), but you will always have aggressive and passive individuals of all species.
oh one thing to note regarding bichers in aro tanks, its been my experience that endlicheri are the only species able to withstand a large phoenix sucking on them..

my phoenix stripped a large ornate bicher of many scales I had to get rid of the bicher..

endlicheri are so armored it doesnt phase them