Decaying scales!


New Member
Hey everyone;

I have an issue with one of my aro's not sure what is wrong with him.

Set up:

240 gallon tank.

9 loaches approximately 4-5 inches
6 bichirs app. 8 inches
1 emperor pleco
1 ghost knife, app 9 inches
3 asian arowana

regular water changes are done weekly. All fish are healty and eating aggresivaly, especially aros.

My Super Red has what looks like chips on its lower scales on both sides of its body, only along the bottom half of its sides. Best way I can describe is like looking at rust on a car. They are not scratches, they are not burrowed through the scales where the scales have holes, but like rust starting on paint. He eats, and behaves normally. There are obviously minor tears to fins, but that is due to 3 aros living in one tank, so they do fight a lil sometimes. The other aros don't have the marks on the scales like my SR.

I have not come across anything like this, or talked to anyone that has seen it either.

Diet consists of mainly cut up shrimp and aro pellets, and once a week they get super worms for treats as well. If anyone has any ideas what this could be and or how to fix it your help is greatly appreciated. Sorry no pictures.
Only time i have ever seen decaying scales was water quality.... a water change every couple days add salt and turn the heat up and you should be fine.
Did you have a PH drop? How long has the tank been cycled? And new additions or changes before you noticed this?
I haven't changed much regarding stock that brought this on. Tank has been running close to a year now, don't see it being a ph drop.

I bought some melafix and put that in for the time being, also added some salt. Tank is running at 82 as far as temp. Am gonna do water changes and melafix for the next week.

So far tonight will be 2nd day of melafix treatment. Will keep updates as week goes on. Thanks for the advice!

Still find it weird as there are 3 aros in the tank, all on same diet, yet only one has the scale issue. Hoping it will be ok, they are nice aros. Will try to get camera and post some pics too.
The other aros may not have developed the problem if the aro with the problem is the one who gets picked on the most. If his stress levels are up, his immune system and slime coat would suffer. Just a thought.
This is the strangest thing. I did 3 days of melafix treatment, and after third day did 50% water change. All aro's are still eating aggresivaley, the two BBXB's are just as before with no issues to their scales, the Super Red's condition seems to have gotten worse as far as the scales look, however he is still by far the most aggressive aro in the tank and the most dominant. He is the one that chases the other aros arround. They are all eating well however. Water conditions are perfect... Will do another melafix treatment over next few days and post updates. Thanks for everyone's feedback and suggestions so far!
Can u post sum pics I had an issue with my scales on sr and it ended up being a injury not infection. Since ur with a couple aros could be fights or getting spoked. But I diduse meliflex treatment half the recommend dosage and only 1 treatment. gives a thick slim coat may not be to good over treating. He heAled within 2 weeks
Can u post sum pics I had an issue with my scales on sr and it ended up being a injury not infection. Since ur with a couple aros could be fights or getting spoked. But I diduse meliflex treatment half the recommend dosage and only 1 treatment. gives a thick slim coat may not be to good over treating. He heAled within 2 weeks

hey chris
i came to ronins house and saw the aros in person its definitely not an injury its like hail damage on the scale on the arowana. ive never seen the likes of this and im baffled. it even escalated from the 3rd to the 5th row. ill see if i have time this week show you guys some pictures but its gonna be tough to see in pictures
Do you have chlorimine or chlorine in your water?
What dechlorinator are you using and how much with the water changes?
Does it look like this?


Depending on the severity, chipped scales takes months to heal. It took this guy at least 4 months to fully heal. Some of the pearlie scales never recovered. The issue is usually related to water quality. Any carbon or zeolite in the system? If so remove. Test water parameters. Stress is likely a contributing factor. Stress from fighting and imperfect water conditions. Try not to overdose chlorine remover as well.
Hey guys, here are some close up pictures of my SR's scales. Sorry about the quality, but you can clearly see the damage on the scales. He's not getting beat up as he is the aggressor in the tank. All are still eating. Water quality is perfect, nitrite, ammonia, 0ppm, chlorine not a factor as I use prime, course salt added regularly with water changes, dissolved not poured. Anybody see this before, know the cause or how to fix would be greatly appreciated. Again, there are 3 aro's in this tank, 2 BBXB and 1 SR, only SR has issues with scales.


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Does it look like this?


Depending on the severity, chipped scales takes months to heal. It took this guy at least 4 months to fully heal. Some of the pearlie scales never recovered. The issue is usually related to water quality. Any carbon or zeolite in the system? If so remove. Test water parameters. Stress is likely a contributing factor. Stress from fighting and imperfect water conditions. Try not to overdose chlorine remover as well.

No it does not look like that. I don't use carbon in any of my aro tanks, my water is always perfect and he is the aggressor. Also, surprisingly it's a pretty calm trio of aro's, they very rarely fight and I very rarely see any rips or tears in the fins. Water is tested on a regular basis, water changes, filter cleaning, everything and anything that has to do with my water quality is always bang on. I just posted some close up pictures of the scales, you can view and see for yourself. Weird. Never seen it or spoke to anyone that has seen this sort of thing.
Doesn't look like damage, looks like pitting. Bacterial or fungal maybe?

What is pitting? I have never heard of that term before. I have been using melafix which should cure both, also wouldn't that effect all aro's not just the one?? The scale issue has been there for about a month, which would have given it enough time to transfer to other aro's, if it was bacterial or fungal...
It's like small craters. I've just throwing some ideas out there to consider. As far as I know, melafix does not possess antibacterial or anti fungal properties. I've also seen lots of fish with fungal infections in community tanks where no other fish contracts it. Maybe the aro's immune system is compromised?
I must say.... Pitting on the inside of the scale is a first for me bro.... Im stumped.... The edges I have seen but never farther back....
I would say fish lice could dig a hole in that armor.... but you would have seen them by now on another fish.... How does the SR act? clamped fins? Stay low? or acting normal?
After melafix treatment no improvement, in fact the SR red is now displaying a redish coloration around the tail. I'm almost certain this has to be due to internal parasite. I'm going to try treating for internal parasites over the next few days, hoping this will cure him for good. I'll keep everyone informed to the progress after the holidays. Thanks for everyones input and suggestions, much appreciated. Happy Holidays!

Wish me luck!
I see this is a really old post, but l seem to have a identical issue with my Silver Arowana and l was wondering if you ever got to the bottom of this?
My water is also good quality and the fish is otherwise strong and healthy.
Your best shot at contacting the original poster is to send him a private message; I think the forum software will then let him know by email that he has a private message on this forum. Good luck :)