Drop eye: good or bad


Super Moderator
I love drop eye, makes the aro looks more auspicious

I wish my aro would drop both eyes instead of just one side..

sigh, seems like *most* aro's get drop eye on one side.

wife prefers drop eye side for looks because its very "cute" and fits the power nature of aro, should be looking down on all others

what is your opinion?
Given the choice, I'd go with no drop eye. I love looking right into an aros eyes.

I'm probably biased against drop eye due to a very old green I saw for sale once at BA in Richmond,BC. It must have been close to a 10 year old fish, really massive. I couldn't understand the near give-away price till it turned around in its tank to reveal - yikes! - one drop eye verging on the eyeball doing a 180 inside the socket! This drop eye was so severe you could litterally see none of the eye ball on one side, even if you crouched down low. Ever since then I have worried that maybe drop eye is progressive and gets worse as time goes by?

What do you think Yuppa? Have you noticed any change in your fish or is it pretty much the same as it was when you got him/her?
I know, everyone wants aro with no drop eye!

I guess im so used to seeing them with it, I have come to appreciate it..
it is terrible when it gets very severe tho..

I consider my aro has mild drop eye, and my friend tells me its not as bad as when i first got aro.. to me it looks the same, its certainly not gotten any worse in the last 3 years.
well theres no exact findings on why drop eyes occur.
some1 claimed their aro's drop-eye was cured when he put his aro in an outdoor pond where they can only look up at the sun, which shows that it is due to aro always staring down and their muscles starts to form that way.

anyway there are generally 3 theory;
1. too much fatty food
2. aro staring down too much (due to clear bottom tank, food on the bottom, etc)
3. genetics
I say no drop eye.

I really hate seeing it. It makes the fish look sick and I would not want that in my tank.
Hates drop eyes. Captive breed silver aro will get drop, and as for asian aro some of them do some of them don't. It makes yours fish looks ugly seeing one eye drop.
Perhaps DE condition in arowana is preferred for a fews , but the majority of arowana keepers would want their arowanas' eyes to be in a perfect condition .