F3 Black Diamond Stingray!!!


Active Member
My old F2 black diamond pair just gave birth at my friends place! Their very first litter! 2 pcs BD. Size of parents are 16 inch female and 14 inch male. Pups are currently 2.5-3 inch. A little small but we will do our best to get them eating.


This is the group after arriving in Canada on June 16, 2011. Basically took 2 years including pregnancy for pups to arrive! Relatively quick for black rays!!!
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That is nice, Is it te first breeding pair since you import black ray as well? I better let my ray watch some action so they can get on it as well :)
Very lucky guy very nice pups!! How old we're the pair once you imported them ? Few months by the looks of it hey mike
David, this was the 2nd order from top stingray. First order was one pair and this one was 6pcs. Howard on here has an awesome male from this batch as well!

Mark, i think the male was around 3 months old and the female 6 months. The male is one of the smaller ones in the vid. Female was around 6 to 7 inch when she arrived.
Here are 2 more pics!!! I transferred them into a floating tub for now. Their own tank will be setup for them once they start eating in the tub. Hopefully by the weekend. Chubby 4 inch pups born last night! Luckily the 2 females made it through the night without getting eaten and are in mint condition this morning. Gluck to Gary!!!


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Congratulations to Gary on some wonderful looking pups! And thanks for posting the pics up Mike :)
Congratulations to Gary on some wonderful looking pups! And thanks for posting the pics up Mike :)

No problem Theo!

Just sharing Gary's joy and also mine! My wish was to breed the pair but knowing that they are in good hands and reproducing so early makes me happy.
Another 2 pups born yesterday! So from the pair I originally sold Gary, he has a total of 6 Black Diamonds at home now! Lucky guy lol. Makes me wonder why I keep selling all my nice fish! Photo was taken right after birth. 2 healthy/fat pups!

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