

New Member
How do I get my aro to go after the feeders that I just put in his tank. Don't worry guys the feeders are home-bred. My fish is 10"+ but is only interested in the SW:rolleyes: He prefers to chase after my bluedot pleco.
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yup, or dont feed it. but make sure u have a sufficient amount of feeders, otherwise if ur aro is hooked on and wont eat its regular food, ull be stuck with an aro not having food.
Woah you home breed your goldfish? I am trying to homebreed my SW but can't get them to mate in beetle form.
How do you breed SW... share pls

You basically get a bunch of film canisters and put a single SW inside, wait a maybe a few weeks to a month and it will be in bettle form. Then you stick them in another container together with the bettle form SW and wait til they mate. But so far my bettles aren't laying eggs but I see them mating...Its said its chances of them mating with higher room temp but my house is pretty warm already so not sure whats wrong they aren't laying eggs only mating.
i think i saw pics of mating or different stages of the SW turning into beetles on arofantics if anyone is interested..
I wonder if they can fly when they are in beetle form? That would turn me off raising them I think!
i think we are getting off topic here....
anyways just leave those feeders in the tank and dont feed your aro. you will see the feeders disappear