Arowana blogger
This guy came in at 18 inches a couple months ago. I got him hand trained to eat cut up market prawn and now he eats a lot. He has put on two inches in length since I got him I think.
I had to do some moving around of fish due to some aros coming and so I unceremoniously dumped the eel into my 300 gallon with my pair of BD/Leos and trio of large Geophagus winemilleri. The links below are for videos of feeding the eel in a 90 gallon last week and another I shot right after I dumped the eel in the 300 gallon tank. It turns out that large fire eels and rays get along great! I would highly recommend the combination, very entertaining. I also recommend you give the eel some kind of tube or drift wood hiding spot as they love to stay concealed with just their heads popping out; kind of remind me of morray eels that way.
Feeding video:
Fire eel released in a 300 gallon with a pair of BD/Leos and a trio of Geos: 21.02.46.mp4
I had to do some moving around of fish due to some aros coming and so I unceremoniously dumped the eel into my 300 gallon with my pair of BD/Leos and trio of large Geophagus winemilleri. The links below are for videos of feeding the eel in a 90 gallon last week and another I shot right after I dumped the eel in the 300 gallon tank. It turns out that large fire eels and rays get along great! I would highly recommend the combination, very entertaining. I also recommend you give the eel some kind of tube or drift wood hiding spot as they love to stay concealed with just their heads popping out; kind of remind me of morray eels that way.
Feeding video:
Fire eel released in a 300 gallon with a pair of BD/Leos and a trio of Geos: 21.02.46.mp4
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