We have such a wealth of experience on this site, somehow we need to showcase it better to provide hobby newcomers an easy way to learn and be inspired. To this end, a new forum section is being created called the "Founders Forum". It will be open to any and all keepers of Asian arownana and stingrays who have interesting threads to share about their fish and set-ups.
It is not intended for commercial use.
If you are a member with interesting threads from the past (or interesting thread ideas now) that you would like to see organized and presented under your user name, please send a pm to arowanaclub.ca and a dedicated spot will be set up for you.
This new section will be established in the coming month, so stay tuned for details.
It is not intended for commercial use.
If you are a member with interesting threads from the past (or interesting thread ideas now) that you would like to see organized and presented under your user name, please send a pm to arowanaclub.ca and a dedicated spot will be set up for you.
This new section will be established in the coming month, so stay tuned for details.