FS:18"+ widebar st ,and other tigers


18" maybe bigger widebar, eats anything and everything . asking 1600 obo


13-14" tiger . eats mostly pellets and sometimes prawns asking 550 obo



15-16" tiger eats pellets,prawns and king worms asking 700 obo



11-12" tiger , eats pellets and prawns, just a normal tiger. not very staple. asking 240 obo

9-10 tiger eats only prawns. not very staple too. asking 180 obo
Would multiple tigers in one tank fight?

I have seen others do this but I haven't tried it. I have a 12" IT in my 270g that might like some company. It also has 2 motoro and a red aro (12"), 2 tin foil barbs (12" and 8") and a severum (6"). No problems so far but wouldn't want to break up the harmony.

My 320g tank is fully stocked with 3 pbass (14", 12", 10"), 2 adult motoro (18", 14"), an 18" clown knife and a 12" clarias catfish, so that one is a no go. My planted 165g is another possibility with a 10" green aro and a 5" ntt.

If I can have more than one in a tank, I might have to start thinking...
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Wow, great deal! I am amazed that no one locally has picked them up yet. I think that it is too risky to ship for me.