Yea, the fish turned out great, until it stopped eating for 9 months. During that time, it didn't show any signs of outwards deterioration.
One day it just started swimming weird and within 2 days it was having problems staying upright.
It ended up getting nipped at by my turtle and other fish, so I took it out and put it in a holding tank with a jerry rigged harness.
No dice, ended up struggling to breathe while standing on it's head. I ended up "euthanizing" him by scooping him out in a bag of water and setting it outside in the winter cold. I figured from science class, cold blooded animals slowly slip out of conciousness when the temperature drops so hopefully I'm right and he died painlessly.
I don't believe in superstition and to this day, I'm not sure if I do. However coincidentally during this time of non eating, my mom went through some tough times with her health. Long story short, we were lucky to catch her illness at the time we did, because if we hadn't, she might not have made it.
When we caught it was shortly after my aro died. Weird stuff.
btw - I'm moving into a house, and just bought Boydo's 550, there will be plenty of room for aros now.