FS:Distochodus Sexfaciatus 12"


I have for sale a Distochodus Sexfaciatus about 12 " eatting evrything, pellets,prawns and worms. My aro seems to be getting slow and not aggressive no more, so the hes not fast enough to get the food. The sexfaciatus always eat all the food b4 the aro gets it.

asking 80 obo located in surrey
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Can you post some pics. I've been looking for a large d. sexafaciatus for long time. I like to see it before I decide to pick it up. Is it super aggressive or it's ok with other fish? I used to have one @ aroung 8" but it died for no reason.
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the fish gets along fine with my aro, tiger phoenix and 6 clown loaches. i want to get rid of him cuz he s a pig, eats eevrything and anything. aro cant get to his food in time cuz this guy is fast.