Guess my Aro.


New Member
He's 3 and half years old. Take a guess.


New Member
Yep its a chilli red, i was messing around with my camera and got this weird shot, ill take another pix, but yeah the colour isnt so strong its more orange/yellow than red hopefully the colour comes out =/


New Member
It might have to do with the owner in the past they didn't feed it very well, it actually had less color than this, its starting to show some orange/yellow now and only a tint of red on the fins. Hopefully it comes out on the body.


Super Moderator
I like his bodyshape and good color spread.

I personally believe that Reds do take some time to settle in. When I first got my Chilli, he had color, but a bit pale. He was more golden-yellowish, almost like yours now, but with time and proper care, the color got deeper and more dark orange. Just be patient bro.


New Member
Hi frontosa, i usually go to Lucky's supermarket they usually got good deals for prawns. My aro is also starting to accept pellet/foodsticks i just go to any fish store that carries them.