Hello Guys!


New Member
I am new to hobby, just started to this arowana keeping due to stress in my life.
I had a very small fish tank when I was kid. But, due to traveling and time constraints I never continued to own a fish tank.
I am very interested in Asian Arowana because of looks and the beliefs... ie wealth and good fortune... etc. Now, I am older and settled down. I started to invest into this hobby.
I started with a single Jardine.... had the fish for 1.5 year. It is now 13" long and starting to get very aggressive. But, the spotted colours and the way the fish moves in water relaxed me after a long's day work.
I am still learning from this single fish... but thinking about upgrading to RTG or HBRTG? I am really gratefully for the arowanaclub.ca giving me adise and guidance on varies subject about arowana.
I have learn alot by asking questions. I hope this website grows like the monster fish keepers.
