

Hello All,

I found this forum while planning for an arowana tank in my new house just outside Calgary; I've never owned an arowana and I haven't kept fish for years, so I am a little nervous. I've been breeding snakes for the last decade and I have decided to fulfill my dream of keeping an arowana.

I've tried to read as many threads as possible so I don't repeat questions. My house won't be ready for another 6+ months so I have plenty of time to get everthing right....I hope.

Here's my first question; I'm moving out to an acreage so I will be utilizing well water, anything special I should be planning for as far as filtration?


Hello mate,
Im not too sure about well water, Odds are you will have to invest in some decent filters and maybe an RO unit?
It will be well worth the plunge into arowanas :) They rock
Thanks guys! I have a water analysis that was done a couple of years ago but I'll get another one done after the well has been pumping for a while. I am already planning for a whole house RO for our drinking water but i don't know if it can handle the extra load as it is already supplying my fridge, tap and dog fountain. Maybe Ill get another just to handle the tank supply line.
