
New Member
i tried to keep pbass twice. the first time i bought a small one from a store in mississauga and it lasted for about a week then for some reason just died. then on a deal i got a real beauty, about a 12" one and it lasted 2 days and then i find it laying on the bottom one morning when i turned the light on.
my water is fine all my other fish have no problems...the water temp i keep around 80-83F.
is there something im currently making room in my 150 right now ad am considering getting a couple again, only if someone can tell me if im doing something wrong that is...thank you in advance
I have 3 pbass (2 12", 1 14") in my 320g tank. I keep the temperature about the same as yours, do two 30% water changes a week (have two mature motoro in the tank as well), and keep the tank well aerated. It is also well filtered with a 60g sump, Ultima 1000 pond filter and an xp3 canister filter.

Perhaps you need more oxygen in your tank? Just a wild guess. And what kind of water conditioner are you using?
i could use some araetion.
i dont use a water conditioner, i go o natural, but before you say i need to use something, ive never have any problems keeping any other fish...the only chemicals i use are in the case someone gets sick or something.
i have 11 clown you think they'll get eaten...what else could i add...
Pbass have extra fast metabolisms, they need a lot of food, filtration (and water changes), and aeration. Although pbass are aggressive feeders, a lot of imports are reluctant to start feeding on pellet or frozen, so I have always found it important to keep them in a separate tank untill thick, healthy, and feeding well on non-live foods.

I have keep near 4 pbass in the past, when I first got into them I had a lot of problems, but I learned a lot from my mistakes. Other things I've noticed are the following:

-Young cichla benefit from a well covered tank, I also used almond leaves and provided quite a few large plants for cardinals.

-Alot of imports come in full of parasites (internal and external). I'm guessing it's from being packed tightly in large numbers at the exporters.

- Since pbass have massive waste loads and fast metabolisms, a lot of exporters/importers starve them a few days before shipping, if they are making a long trip, they can be without food for the better part of a week. This means it is crucial to throw in a lot of live food right off the bat. I used to get groups of 4-10 cichla (depending in size and species). For the smaller fish I used guppies, cardinals or neons, put about 30-60 of them in and let them have at it. For the bigger ones I used local minnows that had been quaranteened and treated for parasites. Some used gold fish, I personally think they aren't a good enough food source to bring these fish back to health.

- On the contrary, if the fish haven't starved, they stink up the water quick, amonia levels in the bag can become quite high which can result in at least a very stressed fish.

- Small cichla are better cheap in a moderate sized tank while be acclimated (4 one inch cichla in a 100 gallon over doing it IMO). While big cichla benefit from the extra space, they tend to be jumpy and bash into the sides of the tanks a lot.

Idunno, just my experience, everyone is going to have a different one. Good luck they are great fish. If you can afford it, I have always had great luck with azuls. They are harder to get and a bit more expensive, but are aggressive feeders and I found mine always settled in right away.

Good Luck,

Justin Morash
Wow, good info. I got my pbass from the lfs where they were already settled in and eating shrimp. They really are aggressive eaters, sometimes when they strike you can hear their jaws snapping from across the house (100 feet away). I hope I never get bit, I have visions of losing a finger!

Good luck if you decide to try them again, they really are nice fish. But don't keep them with an aro, I lost a RTG with them a while back.
thanks for the info guys, i'll keep you posted, im hoping to get some if i do this week. is there any store in mississauga or t.o. that has them in right now?
Sorry for the odd few spelling ( and for that matter wrong words ) mistakes. I was typing it up at work. Had to type fast... Shouldn't really be on the work computer for this stuff haha.
