Here are some updates of Gold Ocean's Aros


New Member
Hello all, I have taken some updated pics of the latest shipment to come to Gold Ocean. Here is a taste of what they have. I know there has been a lot of talk of VIP and here are some of the juvenlie fish at GO. Judge for yourselves. Sorry but the pics are a little blurry. Enjoy.:D



And last but not least a KingSR
Thanks for posting these photos!

I like the symmetry and colouration of the VFSR. Based on the photos that looks to be a very nice fish. The VIP appears to have larger tail finnage than I'd go for, but its hard to tell from just one photo. Besides, I know some people like more finnage, so to each his own. Same goes for the King - not my style, but someone out there must like them or they wouldn't be imported!
If combine the VFSR body color with VIP finnage, then I will go for it. Otherwise, it is still under my standard. LOL
But anyway, they are nice.
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