Hey Guys


New Member
Hey guys I stumbled upon this site through a link on alberta aquatica. Some of you probably know me on there. For fish I've got a couple of pearl/motoros off of Scott, a simple silver aro, a few CA/SA cichlids and I've just started breeding texas cichlids aswell so some might show up on the buysell area.


Arowana blogger
Welcome aboard Paul. This is a pretty serious fish club; we buy, sell, and trade a lot of fish and equipment amongst ourselves...in addition to sharing information and egging eachother on to do extreme aquaria. You sound qualified, so just dive right in ;) :D


New Member
Well I got most of my fish through buying cheaper fish and trading some for one or two more expensive fish. It's hard to come by awesome fish with no source of income anymore so I had to work smart. I've been in the new world cichlid thing for a year or so but oddballs and rare fish are where my interests are so I'm trying to trade them off for some or probably one nice rare odd ball.