Hikari Massivore vs Carnivore vs Floating Food Sticks


New Member
Just wondering if someone could explain the differences between these three products? Do you find if your fish likes one, it'll like the others? Reason I ask is I've got my aro and dats on the food sticks and I'm looking to get something for my bichirs as well. I would also like something sinking for my dats since they only eat the sticks if it gets in the filter stream and gets sent to the bottom of the tank. Thanks!
I find my fish like the sinking pellets the best... more bite sized. My aro will still eat the floating pellets, but definitely prefers the food that will go down easy.

Massivore is "okay" imo, my bichirs end up chewing it and half of the pellet is expelled through their gills and turns into waste.

My vote goes for hikari floating pellets and hikari sinking pellets!
All my bichirs are 12"+ so they literally just inhale and swallow the sinking pellets. Even for my big guys they still have to mouth and chew the massivore a bit breaking it up a lot