Hybrid Stingrays for sale


So it looks like most my last batch of Henlie are spoken for and my hybrid pups are ready to go and I should have the weekend clear to meet up and then I'm unavailable for awhile after. So here's what I have:
Henlie x Pearl female $350
Henlie x Pearl male $300
Castexi/Henlie x Pearl female $400
Castexi/Henlie x Pearl female $350
Castexi/Henlie x Pearl male $300
Castexi/Henlie x Pearl male $300
I may have some crappy cell phone pics of some of them if anyone is interested right now if not I'll try and get some crappy cell phone pics later.
If someone wants more than one pup and are willing to drive to Drayton Valley Alberta for pickup instead of meeting then I could knock some cash off.
Sorry no shipping
I moved the Castexi/Henlie x Pearl pups yesterday so I snapped some pics while moving. The $350 female is sold and I dropped the males prices. Pic of the henlie x pearl pups to come and pearl father pic. Pic of the mom below.

$400 female

$250 male

$250 male

Ya these look promising between what the two parents look like. I want to keep alot of the pups lately for breeding purposes that I've had/have but I just dont seem to have the room anymore.
So the rays I thought may be Henlie x Pearl are pure Henlie just a smaller spot than I'm use to from this couple.
All the females are sold so just the males are left