Ich in arowana?


New Member
Hi all. I am wondering if arowana can catch ich?

about 5 out of my 11 clown loaches suddenly have ich.
I removed all of them and 6 other bala sharks into a 33G tank, waterchanged, raised temperature, added some salts, melafix...

what should i do with my 1 foot RTG in the 180G? I did waterchange, raised temp, added some salts... what else can i do? there is no way i can put him in my 33G hospital tank.

8 yrs of keeping fish. never experience this before.. horrible feeling :mad::confused:.
Just did some google search.. arowana can get ich...
i think of one the four loaches that i bought last weekend must have had traces of ich that i wasnt aware of.. dang...
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Theres really no point in removing the clowns or balas. You need to treat the entire tank...

You're on the right track for treatment though. I gradually raise the temp (over a couple days) to 86 and gradually add 2 teaspoons per gallon of water.... so in a 180g youd need to add 360 teaspoons.

Remember it has to be gradual to not shock your fish. Treat for one week after the visual symptoms of ich are gone. goodluck, ich is one of the easier diseases to treat.
i can see some white spots on the aro as well.. dont think they will show up on the photo though. anyway, thanks.. will update his condition in a week or so.
First move all the fish infected with it out to a QT. in the QT you should have a UV running to kill all the parasites the are in the water. Raise temp, add salt, add an extra air pump( to make up for the oxygen you will be taken away from the fish by raising the temp) dont use melafix it is useless against parasites. Keep the lights off as well this will interupt the life cycle of the ICH. Try soaking your fish foods with fresh cut up garlic ( this will kill them off and help drive them out as well ) I would aslo add a power head with an attachment to help pick up all the dead parasites and eggs. ICH is not as easy to treat these day's now with the Super ICH going around. Most people are reporting 90% fatality rate.

As for the Aro do the same thing. Dont keep the infected fish with the Aro. This is only increasing your chances of infecting it. The fish you mentioned that are infected are prone to this sickness. Putting all of them into a QT was a good idea. What you did from the start is the way to go.
thanks jackson. cut up garlic eh.... this is the first time i heard it.
will go out and get 2 UVs today.

btw, one of the clown loaches died.
I would not take out all the media. Leave in the floss or spunges so they can collect the dead parasites. H.l Nathan is correct remove the carbon or any other chemical filtration media in the filters. Make sure you replace the floss or spunges once the fish are healthy.