Is it possible to determine what colour a Red Arowana will develop into?


New Member
Other than what we usually look for in a red arowana before we decide on a purchase. What other characteristics do you look for other than a straight back, barbel condition and swimming ability etc.?
Are there signs we can look at in a young aro that will help determine what quality an arowana will turn out without waiting years for the colours to set in.
I know there are a few of us in the hobby that have unlocked some of the secrets in determining what a red aro will turn out to be at an early age.

Not to discriminate on the Gold XB's, or RTG's, I just wanted to keep it all in the red variety for now. Please share so we can help others in their future arowana purchase. :rolleyes:
for juvies....i like to see orange lips and gill plates when they are very small...other than that...its hard to guess what a fish could turn out like...
There is no way to tell, even farm can't tell, that's why ask for more money for bigger fish with well develop color.
When you talk about orange lips, that can be seen at a young age, but to see colour in the gill plates, the aro has to be a bit older. As far as farms are concerned they do know how to tell what quality an aro will turn out. They know the parent or lineage and the quality of the aro's breeding in a pool. If they breed good quality they will have good fry's. "The good fruit can't fall too far from the good tree". Remember the aro's we get in North America are different from the ones sold in some Asian countries. They would never make such an expensive mistake. It's all about supply and demand. How many here in N. America can afford to buy an Arowana for $10,000.00 each and these farms require a minimum order of either 10-25 arowana's per order. You can't really believe that for the price were paying here, were getting top quality. This is also the reason why some aro keepers sell their keeping arow's after a few years due to poor colour development.
This is just another business in the end. "I cant sell you a Ferrari for the price of Corvette, and make money". We are just another market niche in the industry and a supplier will find us, and sell us what we want for the price were willing to pay. I don't care what that is from, "batteries to wrist watches."

Here is the other problem we've all seen pictures of a red aro. But have we seen a "RED" aro in real life here in North America?.
Look for pictures of "RED AROWANAS" on line. Have a look at most farms featured Red Aro's. Most will post pictures of their prized reds. Look at them and compare their characteristics to ones you have swimming in your tank. Tell me what differences you see.