Jumbo Clowns, Indo dats, Jumbo fire eels, etc.

There is space to piggy back some fish onto the Maju aro order when it ships in the new year (probably February); the question is whether the loaches they have on hand are big enough for you. The last shipment that came from them was inconsistent in size (some were an inch or even inch and a half smaller than they should have been). I only want to order jumbo loaches from them if they really have jumbo loaches available.
I would be super happy to get four to six 5-6" loaches opposed to paying the shipping on a on 2-3 huge loaches. But it would have to be worth it, your right that I don't to pay the high price for a loach that isn't as big as I expected. I'm just trying to feel out all my options right now.

Any idea on pricing on like 6 loaches that are around 5-6"? Or is that even an option?


You should be able to get what you are looking for. The Maju aros will be coming in late January (eta), so we can figure out the details when we get into the new year.