just ran into this

Ha! I thought they were selling asians for 79$ :p But I didn't know banjar reds go for that much though.

The V fusion red is also pretty nice, anyone know of a good farm for them? Do they really go for twice the price of a SR?
VFSR is the trade name for Quian Hu's high end red. Stands for either Violet Fusion Super Red or Very Fine Super Red - I have heard both! :)

I will try to post some photos one day belonging to a fellow who has a nice young one in Vancouver... ;)
i know i saw the site but its just the picture he put on there. and the price tag underneath.
The FVSR that you're planning to post on there Theo. is it mine
Just to bump up an old thread...

So finally, looks like CaptainDragon is a regional retailer for AroVillage.