just saying hello....


New Member
recently found this forum and thought i'd drop in.....former Aro owner....had a PG RTG that i had to sell off a few years ago....sold off all my big tanks and only kept my 90 and now i'm down to just 2 STs...and 1 IT....the STs are around 12-14'' and my IT is 10" (give or take..thats my best guestimate of how big they look in the tank..lol)....nice to see aro prices take a drastic dip in prices so that they are much more affordable now.....i've also known that STs would be hard to replace so i never sold them.....but i did have 3 of my biggest tigers die on me withing the last year or so...what a shame...

i've had everything from flowerhorns to peacock bass to geos to bettas so all around fresh water hobbyist.....at my peak i had 7 tanks in my basement but had to sell the house due to personal reasons.....
heres an old pic of my basement....

the 180 had my PG, 4 STs and 2 ITs and 7 geos....65g in the corner had my FH....90g had my peacock bass....55g was a growout tank for the geos and dats and FF....10gs had bettas and feeders.....


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