Koi with aro comm

I think it would be too hot for the Koi. They also produce lots of waste so this might affect your Aro. I am not saying it's a really bad idea and can't be done. I just think it is not something most poeple would do. Regardless of the grade of the Koi they are still a carp.
it can be done ... but i think its best to keep them in different places. if your koi is small then it'll be eaten. if too big then its probably better in a pond
True enough, we were wondering if Koi would setle a Aro down, and maybe you could comm a couple aros instead of 5 or 6 as a min. The filteration I am putting on my tank will be very big. I'll be changing it over next week. Big ocean clear filter with big external comercial pump. Sea star is working on this new system with me, so perhaps we cam market a custom aro tank ready to go!
i agree with jackson

when koi are exposed to higher temps they crank out the waste. plus in the tank with an aro i think they would bug the arowana. they tend to use every inch of the tank
True enough, we were wondering if Koi would setle a Aro down, and maybe you could comm a couple aros instead of 5 or 6 as a min. The filteration I am putting on my tank will be very big. I'll be changing it over next week. Big ocean clear filter with big external comercial pump. Sea star is working on this new system with me, so perhaps we cam market a custom aro tank ready to go!

sea star are good peeps i use to buy alot of kois from them.
True enough, we were wondering if Koi would setle a Aro down, and maybe you could comm a couple aros instead of 5 or 6 as a min. The filteration I am putting on my tank will be very big. I'll be changing it over next week. Big ocean clear filter with big external comercial pump. Sea star is working on this new system with me, so perhaps we cam market a custom aro tank ready to go!

Aros would fight between themselves first before bothering other tank mates. With 2 aros and a bunch of kois it will be just like comming 2 aros, if your very very lucky the two would be a "click" and hopefully they would not bother the kois. In my experience it will be better if you have 6 + aros and your kois. Aros will be too busy fighting between themselves to even give any attention to the kois. It will be a tougher comm though since both of them are surface dwellers. On my first aro-discus com, I had an x-back with 10 discus. At first they were fine then the aro strted to chase and bite the discus. I have to build a hiding place for the discus, using drift woods on top of each other. At times the aro was fine with them then another day, he does nothing but chase them. And yes the water temperature between teh aro and koi are different and might be an issue. Discus and aro on the other hand both loves hot water.
i personally think its fine... make sure u have a shitload of space, that would be ur #1 concern, then the waste is a problem. kois will only produce a lot of crap if u feed it a lot of crap, as with all fish.

anyway, if i were you, i would keep them seperately.. why would u want to make an expensive koi an aro's tankmate? or why would u make an expensive aro a koi's tankmate? each should be the focal point of each tank, but thats just my opinion
Aros tend to be aggressive to its tanksmate if his the only one aro in the tank. The more aros you have the less aggressive they become, but don't keep 3 aros. As for the koi, they can be mixed with aros. When I used to live in asia I have a big outdoor pond. I got kois and aros together. The only problem you'll be facing is a load of waste that the kois are producing and the aro not getting its share for food. Koi are aggressive eaters. Kois will come to the surface and beg for food, while your aro will wait till the food comes close. You need to train your aros to take food from your hand. I used to wear a wet suit and go inside the pond just to feed my aros. I can't do it anymore, I now here in canada. I miss my aros back in asia.