
Cirrus visited a guy in Europe that breeds these rays. You could order from this guy whose name is Frank I think. These are very expensive type of ray right now and are my favourite also. Good luck in your search.:)
do you know how i can get in contact with Frank? a loepoldi is a must have for me, but i cant seem to find them anywhere in canada...Last i heard there was a guy in Seatle had some new born but couldnt get a hold of him...
i tried to go on there but you have to order 6 at a time. What am i gonna do with 6 way too much $ and i dont want them to breed cause of the care for them
h.l. nathan: I am looking for a Leo ray for you. I sent a pm to a ray breeder in the u.s. He will know where to look for them. He breeds these Leo rays also but I dont think he has any pups right now. I'll pass the info. on to you soon.:)
Ok just heard back from Mike, the ray breeder from the U.S. He expects to have some in 3-4 weeks. His email is [email protected] or you could contact him on Monster Fish Keepers. His name on there is csx4236. Good luck!!!:)
I have bought from H2O in the past good fish and Mike is a good guy. I picked mine up at the border much cheaper and I dont think he ships into canada. If you guy's are planning a group but let me know as well. I think I might grab a gar or 2 from him as well as some other goodies.
Tey are decent prices. I am not interested in the ray's they dont do much for me. I want a few fish he has for sale now. Is your other source just for ray's?
i'm in montreal now working, but will fly back to Van cause my main tank is in Van...Rays are a wonderful thing...i got my motoro to eat out the palm of my hand
I was thinking of driving to the border and bringing back some fishes too. Did you encounter any problems with customs?
I was thinking of driving to the border and bringing back some fishes too. Did you encounter any problems with customs?

No I did not. I just made sure that each fish had it's name scientific name printed up so they would not think I was bringing in illegal fish. All they said was what is that I said fish they said OK. I heard this will change soon They are going to start charging us for bringing in and what not.