LF 11" to 12" Clown Loach.


New Member
If Anyone has any Large fully grown 11" to 12" Clown Loaches please PM me. Thanks.
HAve you ever seen the ones here in calgary at Riverfront aquariums? They must have been 12-14" long an 5" tall not including the fin huge clowns. I heard they were wild caught like that and that they quit shipping that large?
the one wayne had was Im pretty sure the size of a 2L coke bottle..... Biggest i ever saw in person.
HAve you ever seen the ones here in calgary at Riverfront aquariums? They must have been 12-14" long an 5" tall not including the fin huge clowns. I heard they were wild caught like that and that they quit shipping that large?

His huge one in with the SR died a while ago, I think around 2 months ago. If I recall correctly he said he had it for 15+ years and it came in quite large.