

New Member
I'm yet to post pics but I have a 12" Jardini in a 220gal.

My lighting consits of a 6ft single strip 36" x2 T8's natural bulb and a 4ft coralife T5 with one 10000k and one actinic bulb (nothing crazy)

I was thinking of adding a second actinic bulb to the T5 and replacing my T8's to 50/50 bulbs.
Or should I replace all with the color max bulbs ( I think thats what their called) which are bright and bring out the reds, they actually glow pink verses the blue glow from actinics. I think that they make those bulbs for both T8 and T5.

I'm thinking go with the colormax since it would bring out the red spots on the Jar and also the color of my BP's and Golden barbs.

What do you guys suggest?

I did a little research and people say that having all color max doesnt look very good.
If anything I would only change the one fixture.

Would one actinic and one colormax be pointless?
Ended up just adding a T5 colormax bulb with the actinic and the tank looks amazing.
I cant believe how much of a difference it made in the color spots of the jardini and BP