Looking for True ST/FX5/Sump


New Member
Yup that is NTT,they got a bunch in Fraser Aquarium. The stripes will stay as it is hehehehe. so you can tell even if they are really small what kind of tiger they are.


Thanks for the IT eh bro.Poor guy getting chased by the other bigger tigers. Tough life for him hehehehehe.


New Member
I did not know STs had season...:)

You're gonna have a lot of troubles finding 6-8'' STs. Even in Singapore LFS can't get 6-8'' STs right now.

Aren't these bad shippers for those sizes? I'm still a noob at this, but if I recall correctly the larger they are, the bigger the loss percentage.


Super Moderator
Aren't these bad shippers for those sizes? I'm still a noob at this, but if I recall correctly the larger they are, the bigger the loss percentage.

Yes, the bigger they are, the harder they are to ship. Tigers are pretty high body fish so even in big bags, when they are tossed around, they can get their body half out of the water and that is when SBP can occur.

My biggest Tiger was on his side when I got him, luckily he recuperated fine.


glad the tiger is doing ok though! hes a good eater and im sure he will catch up on size. = ) feed him a lot of prawns! he started to mouth pellets so im sure it wont take too long.


New Member
I've gotten a beautiful present today, Indo dragon 4 and now I could say that my thirst for more is there. Can anyone direct me towards some other good reading material, I am looking for good, solid literature on Flowerhorns, Indo tigers and other species (you name it).


New Member
I've gotten a beautiful present today, Indo dragon 4 and now I could say that my thirst for more is there. Can anyone direct me towards some other good reading material, I am looking for good, solid literature on Flowerhorns, Indo tigers and other species (you name it).

For books, can you read Chinese? Or English only?

For Indo Dragon books, I still have book 1 - 3. Let me know if you are interested.