looking to buy snakeshead fish


looing to buy snakeshead fish if anyone know are they avaailable for sale in canada please p.m. me with some info.
There are always channa available in Canada. They aren't all that hard to find. You can get Micropeltes (giant snakehead) at any petstore for $10-$20 bucks, but that doesn't mean you should, they get far too large for any home aquarium.

A number of more aquarium compatible species are readily available, belheri, pulchra, pleuropthalma, etc.

I would suggest looking for a dealer in Montreal (^ Marius just happens to be in the neck of the woods haha). Channa are illegal in Ontario, so I would assume Montreal would probably be the best market.

I had no idea snakehead were illegal in Ontario. Now something makes sense. ;)

Anyway, I have been asked to source the following snakehead out of Thailand:

-Indian giant snakehead (Channa diplogramma)
-Spotted snakehead (Channa punctata)
-Forest snakehead (Channa lucius)
-Spotted snakehead (Channa punctata)
-Emperor snakehead (Channa marulioides)
-Blackfinned snakehead (Channa melanopterus)
-Black snakehead (Channa melasoma)
-Baram snakehead (Channa baramensis) =0x
-Dwarf snakehead (Channa gachua)
-Marble snakehead(Channa sp. "five stripe")
-Burmese snakehead(Channa burmanica)
-Burmese peacock snakehead (Channa pulchra)
-Burmese ornate snakehead (Channa ornatipinnis)
-Orangespotted snakehead (Channa aurantimaculata)
-Golden snakehead (Channa stewartii)
-Chinese snakehead (Channa asiatica)
-Chel snakehead (Channa amphibeus)
-Barca snakehead (Channa barca)

-African snakehead (Parachanna obscura)
-Congo snakehead (Parachanna insignis)
-Niger snakehead (Parachanna africana)

Out of curiosity, of the above variants, how many are seen regularly in Canada and at what kind of prices? I have no experience with these guys.

I got an email from one guy I dealt with last year in Bangkok who says the following:

Some snakehead in Thailand have I will check the price to you.
And NTT I have not many now .but if you give me the time .
I can collect to you

And so I wait... :)
Out of those species I have dealt with a few.

Channa Gachua should go for about $50 for a good sized fish.

Channa Aurantimaculatua I would pay anywheres between $200-300 depending on size, color, and if it was sexed. Mind you my last pair was gorgeous, and it was an adult male/female who were already paired up. I only spent $450 for the pair.

Channa Stewartii $40-$60

Channa Asiatica $60 ( I think that's how much I saw them go for last time)

Channa Pulchra $40-$60 dollars. (price is going down, because they are a very easy fish to breed)

Channa Ornatipinnis - I paid $120 for them and I thought that was a great price. I think prices are going up because they are becoming more sought after and no more common. Watch out a lot of really nice adult Pulchra are sold as ornatipinnis, they are nice fish but no wheres worth the price of a real Ornatipinnis.

Channa Maruliodes - $30-$50 depending on size and what not.

Channa Barca - The Holy Grail... there are a lot of fake Braca out there so watch out. If it's under $1500 I would bet it's not the real deal. I have a source on one now. I was going to get it for myself, but if someone wants it, I will get it for you. It's show sized, (going to assume at least 18") and the price stands at $4000, I make no profit on it. Just want to see one come in. There are probably no more than 50 peices in private collections world wide.

Those are just what I have paid for the fish I have owned.

Theo look for pleuropthalma, and if you can get ornatipinnis, aurantimaculata, or diplogramma I will take them.