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Has anyone kept a Merodontonus tigrinus catfish with their arowana? I was looking into getting one for my arowana comm tank, any experiences?
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They are cool fish. I've seen them kept with aros just make sure the aro is bigger than the catfish. This catfish can swallow big fish.
They are not known for their swallowing ability. They are aggressive to a point but nothing like some RTC's and TSN's and so on.

I find they are really sensitive and need to be kept with fish that will not bother them. I had mine with some Dat's, Bichirs and pleco's there was no problems.
I agree with dragonguy... i have seen some baby tigs swallow feeders half the size of them. i also agree they with jackson that they are not as aggressive as red tailed cats, but the tigs can definitely take an aro if small enough.

and yes, they are definitely more sensitive...

i've always wondered about their barring though. in juvies, they tend to be more blotchy, but as they mature, will the stripes eventually form and be very zebra like in all specimens? or is it only if you're lucky, you'll get a good one?
I bought a couple Tigrinus cats a few years ago with another Asian aro keeper. The ones we bought were small, maybe 5-6 inches. They came from Peru, cost $200 each on a group buy. Mine was okay for about a month, ate like a pig (mostly frozen bloodworms and cut up market prawn). I kept him alone in a well filtered 33 gallon tank with a small piece of driftwood to hide under. One day, dead. I have since heard that the young newly imported ones often suffer from parasites...If I ever import them again I might treat with an anti-parasite medicine.

My friend lost his the same week when his jumped out of the tank while he was out!
i've always wondered about their barring though. in juvies, they tend to be more blotchy, but as they mature, will the stripes eventually form and be very zebra like in all specimens? or is it only if you're lucky, you'll get a good one?[/QUOTE]

The barring all depends on the quality of the fish. When I bought mine I was lucky that there was about 12 to choose from. So even at 4-5'' there were some with really nice marking straight clean lines and other that were zig zagged and what not. They also have ones that sell for 3x the price that are called Japanese quality makings. They call them this because the fish is going to develope clean markings and a great blueish colour guaranteed. Like all the great quality fish out there they are ment for the Japanese market and we get the left overs LOL

I know that diet and water quality also plays a big part in the development of the fish. If you can try and buy one over 8-9'' they are easier to care for.
I'll put some pictures up of mine, they're ~10" each.

Any pictures yet??????

Just a note: The fish was reclassified and renamed a few years ago and is now named
Brachyplatystoma tigrinum (was Merodontus tigrinus) common name: king tiger
Any old books will have a different fish listed under that name. Planetcatfish are up to date on this fish under the new name.

I tried to post pictures but was told not a valid image file???????????
Any pictures yet??????

Just a note: The fish was reclassified and renamed a few years ago and is now named
Brachyplatystoma tigrinum (was Merodontus tigrinus) common name: king tiger
Any old books will have a different fish listed under that name. Planetcatfish are up to date on this fish under the new name.

I tried to post pictures but was told not a valid image file???????????

I'll get some "fresh" videos and photos up soon. They're looking better now.
the trick is with baby tigs up to say 10 inch

1. don't power feed them i know most people who buy them get them small hoping to grow them fast to put them in a main tank tigs are rubbish hunters they would be lucky to eat once every 2 days in the wild and that would only be a small amount

2. don't keep them on a large grain substrate when small as stated they are rubbish hunters and may swallow big bits of substrate that they cant crap out killing them

3. do not feed prawn or other salty foods to baby tigs they have trouble digesting it

4. keep the temp warm 84

5. make sure your tank has plenty of airation

6. forget most of the things listed above once the tig gets to 12 inch they are as hard as nails at that size :cool: