Motoro ray question


New Member
I am fairly new to the ray scene, but I am looking at purchasing some for my Chili red comm tank. Whats the difference between Peru and Columbian Motoros? Thanks for the help.
From what I read, the Columbian ones have more spots. And people seem to think that more spots are prettier.

I think a member on here is also selling his pair of motoros. you might want to contact him.
I haven't got a clue and don't think there is a definate way to tell the difference. I've heard that Colombian rays tend to be lighter in color.

I've got 3 "peru" motoros and each one is very different. From chocolate brown to light tan, big spots, small spots, lots of spots. I dunno :)
Columbians tend to be a bit lighter in color, more spots, and the spots
tend to be neater and more defined. Price is, in theory, based on quality
so yes, columbian motoro's often cost a bit more. There was a time I
believed the columbians had more interesting personalities, but now that
I have some of both, I know that's a myth.
peru have less spots and the spots are very distant from each other and they tend to be darker the Colombians have lots of spots with a lighter colour.