Here is a video of my 230g acrylic aquarium i picked up from a member on bcaquaria and then got it refinished from archer plastics
the bottom is painted white and the background is blue.
My sump is a 55g moving bed filter with K1 media and filter socks.
stock is 5 Discus, 1 soon to be 3 rays, silver arowana, into dat, TATF, red severum
[ame=""]Another tank shot
- YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]230g drip and K1 - YouTube[/ame] sump and drip

My sump is a 55g moving bed filter with K1 media and filter socks.
stock is 5 Discus, 1 soon to be 3 rays, silver arowana, into dat, TATF, red severum
[ame=""]Another tank shot

[ame=""]230g drip and K1 - YouTube[/ame] sump and drip